/* Template Name:About */ Jennykaori ABOUT | Jennyhouse


Launched in 2013. A creative brand centered on the production of illustrations and graphic designs by Jennykaori. Based on the concept of ''coolness subtly residing within a girl,'' she creates artwork centered on images of girls and women who will lead the next generation, unfettered by conventional lifestyles and preconceived notions. In addition to providing illustrations, we also plan and produce comprehensive artwork that combines graphic design.

She has provided artwork and collaborated with companies such as adidas Japan, atmospink, Sanrio, and Toei Animation, and was selected as one of 30 creative artists at Adobe Illustrator 30_30, sponsored by Adobe. In addition to exhibiting in Japan at ''WAVE'', an exhibition that goes beyond the realm of graphic art, he also held traveling exhibitions in London and San Francisco.

She is start producing works using 3DCG in 2024.


Qetic 株式会社/ adobe / BASE / Foot Locker atmos Japan / 株式会社エムディエヌコーポレーション / THINKER / WeWork Companies, Inc / アディダスジャパン / エンライトメント / サンライズ / サン リオ/ジャパン・ハウス ( 外務省管轄事業 ) / ジョーインターナショナル株式会社 /パイ・インターナショナル / 三越伊勢丹ホールディングス / 主婦の友社 / 学校法人山口学園 / 富士フィルム株式会社 / 手塚プロダクション / 日本郵便株式会社 / 東京都総務局人権部 / 株式会社arca / 株式会社アバンク / 株式会社ウテナ / 株式会社エードット / 株式会社カラス / 株式会社ガイナックス / 株式会社キデイランド / 株式会社ストライプ / 株式会社トリガー / 株式会社ナタリー / 株式会社ナターシャ / 株式会社ヒューマンフォーラム / 株式会社レッグス / 株式会社ロフトワーク / 株式会社ワインライス / 株式会社学研ホールディングス / 株式会社阪急阪神百貨店 / 水木プロダクション / 水野プロダクション / 玄光社 / 祥伝社 / 翔泳社 他


Born in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After a career as an apparel designer, she became an independent illustrator. She was strongly influenced by the TV programs she watched as a child that showed random anime from Japan and abroad, as well as imported programs from Europe and the U.S. These influences led her to create her own unique art style that combines Japanese shoujo manga culture with Western cartoon styles. She depicts positive and empowering images of women, also continues to depict fictional characters and images of girls living at the mercy of modern mass consumption society and gender ideology, and continues to present art that seeks the best definition of contemporary social thought and aesthetics.


Web Design / Cording

Saki Horikawa

Born in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, based in Tokyo. After working as a web and graphic designer for 4 years from 2019, I moved to the UK in 2022. After returning to Japan, I also working as a visual artist, drawing on own experience working as an assistant to a sculpture artist in the UK. Currently focusing on digital art and video production, mainly 3D.